T-Michael: Tidløs eleganse med edge

KATEGORI: Livsstil + Mennesker

T-Michael er en av Norges fremste og mest anerkjente klesdesignere. Han designer klær, sko og vesker til både kvinner og menn, og har i en årrekke skapt tidløs eleganse med edge. 

Hva er bra design?
– Good design for me is the direct relationship between the function and the aesthetics of a product. For me form / aesthetics should follow function. Not because i expect every design piece to be functional. It’s more a question or a realization, through my work that getting to grips with function most of the time dictates the form. Thereby enhancing it. Form, design, beauty are all based on tastes and preferences thus making it almost impossible to define what good design is.

 – Personally, I’m more in tune with artisan products. The reflection of the makers soul and vision is usually imprinted in the dna of the product.

Er det trender som setter rammene for ditt design eller motsatt?
– Like all thoughts, cultures and languages I believe style should be organic. It’s based on ones inner temperature or the zeitgeist of the moment which is then rejected on the outside. I can discard the multi purpose state of the art blender for a simple analogue orange juicer. Just because it make more sense to my inner self. Simply put – it’s one’s way of wearing your inside on the outside.
– Style in my opinion takes time to acquire. Style is not necessarilly cool or trendy and should always be work in progress. Just like your thoughts!
Personally, i’m more in tune with artisan products. A well made pair of traditional shoe than the latest trend from hipsterville. The rejection of the makers soul and vision is usually imprinted in the dna of the product. This for me completes the product which then makes it withstand the test of time.

 – The volvo 1800ES is quite a superb car. One of my favourites. The front of the cars is sleek, suave and sophisticated. The rear end is very functional almost crude in the design yet the glass boot door softens this up. The combination of this two makes the overall design extremely exciting. Form and function at it’s best!

Hva beskriver din stil og den du ønsker at kundene dine oppfatter?
– A relaxed approach to the sartorial. I like my clothes worn in. Well cut clothing in beautiful fabrics put together like it’s work wear. Which incidentally it is what it is.
I wear suits all day everyday.

– My mum and dad inspired me to be my self at all times. My 2 children are great inspiration too! The coolest kids ever. I wanna be just like them.

Form, design, beauty are all based on tastes and preferences thus making it almost impossible to define what good design is